What’s New! by Gigi

The great thing about living is there is always something new. Life is continually changing. Most people don’t like change, including me.  I find comfort in knowing what tomorrow will bring. God never said, “child, life will stay the same and be predictable.” 
No, He says, “See I’m creating a new thing.”  In Isaiah 43:18-19 Forget the former things. Don’t dwell on the past,I’m doing a new thing. Don’t you perceive it? 
He is saying, Hello?? I’m about to rock your world. Hang on. It won’t be easy but if you grow with me I promise it will be rewarding. He wants to change us, bend us, and at times break us. That’s why we need to be flexible and open to him.  

As an Entrepreneur I have had to be comfortable with being uncomfortable…
These last 6 years have stretched me beyond my comfort zone to the point of being painful. 
From selling Gigis Cupcakes, then Covid hitting changing the world and all we thought was normal, creating and opening a beautiful pie shop in Brentwood TN, then feeling the sting of failure as I had to close that dream down, then selling my home in Franklin TN and moving to Florida all on my own with just my daughter and our pets. Didn’t know anyone or what I was going to do for a job. Just knew I needed to change things up in my life. 
Well 2 years out and having survived and thriving here are some things I have learned. 

God is always on the move creating new. If He is then we should as well. He created us to be creative beings. Being stuck and stagnant is not the will of God. Move and grow with Him. Be flexible and let God get you out of your comfort zone. He doesn’t promise it will be easy…but what He does promise is He will always be with you. 

Forgive the people who hurt you. Forgive yourself and the dumb things you have done. The bad choices you have made that has kept you up at night. You can’t create new things if you keep looking back. So forgive, move forward and be open to What’s New. 

Be Courageous 
Having courage in the times we live in is Vital. 
Courageous people can change the trajectory of an outcome. They break through and change history. 
Legends are made when we choose to be Brave. 

I’m excited about the future and creating. 
Blank slate, fresh start, baking from scratch…
Hope you will follow me on this new adventure. 
Blessings Gigi
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