Washington enacts 'state-sanctioned kidnapping' law to allow minors to access sex changes, abortions without parental consent

Space Needle at Sunset by Michael Discenza is licensed under unsplash.com
Despite massive pushback, protests, and letter-writing campaigns, Washington Democratic Governor Jay Inslee signed into law the controversial Senate Bill 5599 on Tuesday which critics say encourages minors to run away from home to receive "gender-affirming" care and "maternity services" without parental consent and at taxpayer expense. In plain English, that's sex changes and abortion.

Critics also claim the legislation signed Tuesday removes parents from the health and mental health care decision-making process. Unlike other legislation recently signed in large public events by Inslee, SB 5599 was signed in a small closed event in a conference room at the state Capitol.

Introduced by far-left Democratic State Sen. Marko Liias, the bill will allow shelters or host homes to provide housing for runaway minors without being required to notify their parents if they have a "compelling reason" to keep the information a secret.
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