Vermont Supreme Court Rules Schools Can Force Vaccinate Children Without Parental Consent

According to the Vermont Supreme Court ruling on Friday, state and school officials involved in vaccinating the child without parental consent cannot be sued or prosecuted because they are are protected by the Public Readiness and Emergency Preparedness (PREP) Act, which grants liability immunity.

Fox29 report: In the event of a public health emergency, the PREP Act ensures certain “covered persons” are immune from claims causally related to the use of a “covered countermeasure.” A vaccine is considered a covered countermeasure.

“To avoid dismissal on immunity grounds, plaintiffs would have had to present wellpleaded allegations showing that (1) at least one defendant was not a covered person, (2) some conduct by a defendant was not causally related to administering a covered countermeasure, (3) the substance injected into L.P. was not a covered countermeasure, or (4) there was no PREP Act declaration in effect at the time L.P. was injected,” the ruling reads.

The high court’s ruling affirms a January 2023 decision by a state superior court.

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