GA Senator Moore Assaulted At Hartsfield by Unit Training Soldiers At Fort Moore

Military gear by Benjamin Faust is licensed under

Editor's Note: There have been attempts by interested parties to say the US Army personnel were not involved in the assault. This is false. There were multiple eye witnesses from which we have documented testimony. In addition, here is a slow motion segment of the end of the video, where you can see the US Army fatigues approach Senator Moore at the 16 second point, right before the phone is knocked out of his hand.

In addition, you can view Senator Moore's testimony in the video below where he verifies it was the US Army soldier who knocked the phone out of his hand.In January of this year, GA State Senator Colton Moore surprised an illegal immigrant trafficking operation being run at night through Hartsfield International Airport. Upon finding the room where the migrants were being processed, Moore was assaulted by two U.S. Army soldiers, who physically accosted him and knocked the phone out of his hand. The entire video clip can be viewed below.

Moore's colleagues later told The Georgia Record, the guards proceeded to scream, and curse at them and chase Moore's group out of the airport concealed area.

The Georgia Record requested help from Montana's Restore Liberty (hat tip) to identify the unit from the patch on the soldier's arm recovered from the video of that night's incident. The unit has been finally identified as the 194th Armored Brigade at Fort Moore, GA, outside Columbus.

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