Trump fundraising surges, outraising Biden by $25 million, even as trial limits his campaigning

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Amid an ongoing criminal trial that has largely limited his ability to campaign in-person, former President Donald Trump and the Republican National Committee managed to out-fundraise President Joe Biden and the Democratic National Committee by a hefty margin in April.

Collectively, Trump and the RNC raised $76 million last month, including $50.5 million raised at a single event in Florida. By contrast, President Joe Biden and the DNC managed to raise a combined $51 million over the same period.

The April numbers marked an improvement for the Trump-RNC fundraising efforts after raking in a combined $65.6 million in March. The Biden campaign and DNC raised $90 million in March. Bolstering Biden’s numbers that month was a NYC event that saw him bring in $26 million.

The April fundraising hauls drew headlines, in part due to the reversal of the March dynamic in which Biden outraised Trump, but also due to the ability of the Trump campaign to accomplish the feat with so little opportunity for the former president to campaign. The campaign itself highlighted Trump’s legal proceedings and the constraints on his candidacy when touting the fundraising haul.

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