The New York Times Wants Amnesty. No Way!

The New York Times by Jakayla Toney is licensed under

Are we are finally nearing the turning point on this debacle?

Too late for many injured, Dr Robert Redfield, who you may recall was director of the CDC, recently said that many officials who tried to warn the public about Covid 19 vaccine problems were not allowed to speak about “significant” side effects that made people sick.

I was bullied, badgered, shamed, doxed, targeted and more for saying the same in my column just a few years ago.

Dr. Redfield said that on May 16, 2024 with Chris Cuomo on his new platform on NewsNation. He was saddened by the loss of public confidence in public health agencies over their lack of transparency around the vaccine. You think? He also said vaccines “saved a lot of lives” but also made people “quite ill”.

“Those of us that tried to suggest there may be significant side effects from vaccines…we kind of got canceled because no one wanted to talk about the potential that there was a problem from the vaccines, because they were afraid that that would cause people not to want to get vaccinated” the doctor said.

Good bye informed consent.

The old gray lady, New York Times didn’t suffer Chris’s brother and NY Governor Cuomo’s nursing home cattle car round up of the elderly and is still with us, but has the unenviable job of addressing a tidal wave of vaccine injured created by the government’s insane vaccine mandates.

The May 12 NYT article, ‘Thousands Believe Covid Vaccines Harmed Them.’ described “federal officials” as a monolithic block who 100% believe in the safety of these vaccines, but actually some of them are starting to break ranks because they realize this atrocity is so large that it can’t be covered up for much longer.
For doctors this experience with the severity of illness and suffering of these patients was immense and incomparable to anything witnessed before.  Yet, rather than being acknowledged, the medical system just kept on denying that they existed as their numbers continued to grow.

The medical establishment has tried to erase the entire illness as “long COVID” and despite a lot of money being devoted to “long COVID,” with no cure in sight, clinical trials haven’t begun that could identify a treatment supported by “the system.”  The situation is worse now for those with chronic vaccine injuries.
In the Times we found out what the current “solution” the powers that be decided, in their “groundbreaking” report on vaccine injured.  The NYT lied about the amount of suffering and the amount of people coping with this. The sympathy was for what their government did to them and for the NYT’s own highly untenable position. They have to defend something simply not defendable.

Too many people have been injured by the vaccines, and each day, more people are realizing that their mysterious decline in health was identical to what the vaccine injured have been reporting for years now. Since the demographic most vaccinated were loyal Democratic voters, it will be impossible to keep suppressing knowledge of widespread vaccine injuries once the 2024 election happens. Too many Democratic voters might join RFK Jr. who acknowledges the issue.

Given that admitting the vaccines were dangerous puts the establishment in a bad place and denying the injured also carries a huge political cost.  Once this hits a boiling point, the “solution” will be to blame the whole thing on Trump who developed “Warp Speed.” Unfortunately for the left it was Biden who mandated them, and RFK Jr. can now swoop up all those votes.

Maybe we are at long last nearing the turning point on this horror show.

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