Tennessee Pro-Lifer Spared Prison Time Sought by DOJ

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A Tennessee judge ruled Tuesday that pro-life activist Paul Vaughn will not serve time in prison for trying to stop abortions from taking place at a Tennessee abortion clinic.

President Joe Biden’s Justice Department had sought a year in prison for the pro-life activist, The Daily Wire reported, noting that the judge instead gave Vaughn merely three years supervised release.

“We rejoice in God’s plans,” said Vaughn in a statement issued by his legal firm, the Thomas More Society. “Because this is at the heart a spiritual battle, we are thankful to have a strong advocate in the Thomas More Society. Not only are they experts at law, but they deeply understand the spiritual battle raging across our land.”

“We will appeal to have this unlawful use of the law overturned,” he added. “We must stand and fight for what is right. We cannot bow down to the lie. Laws have to be grounded in truth. They have to align with the ultimate lawgiver, who is Christ our Lord.

“The false narratives plaguing our nation will fall when we stand up to them. That is what this case is about, and I’m ever thankful to have a legal team who understands that truth and who is willing to fight for it all the way to the Supreme Court, if necessary.”

The FBI arrested Vaughn, a pro-life father of 11 children, in October 2022 and charged him with “conspiracy against rights secured by the FACE Act, and committing FACE Act violations.” Vaughn and 10 other activists were charged in connection to their 2021 “blockade” of an abortion clinic in Mount Juliet, Tennessee.

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