Seattle Police Contracting with Outside Agencies — County Jail Won’t Take Its Prisoners –

Well, what do you know? Here we are back in Seattle, my old coppin’ grounds. Though I try to spread the love (and venom—when it’s deserved) around when reporting on national cop stuff, I couldn’t pass this one up because it’s happening in a lot of places.

When this happens anywhere, it gets to me. So, what’s this? City leaders refuse to act decisively and effectively to solve a problem, and then once they finally feel forced to act, they treat it as if they’re saviors solving a problem—that they had a part in creating.

I’ll try not to be too cynical, but if I am, please understand that I couldn’t help myself. This is happening in my backyard. Now, I know I don’t need to go into too much detail about the atrocious way too many in Seattle city government have treated its cops over the years. It’s well known by now.

I don’t intend for any of this to be personal, so I’ll use titles instead of names. However, I will quote others who use their names. And I’ll stick to what police-related policies they have supported, not supported, implemented, not implemented, and why they do or don’t work.

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