Reporter for Utah paper fired for offering to buy sexually explicit books for minors to skirt new state law

Welcome to Utah signage by Kace Lott is licensed under
A far-left reporter from the Salt Lake Tribune, Bryan Schott, has been fired after he posted on social media that he would buy sexually explicit books for minors in Utah, according to sources at the Utah legislature, the Post Millennial reported. 

Schott, who apparently believes there is a First Amendment right not to say dumb stuff on X, removed all associations with the Tribune off his social media profiles and complained about being targeted by “the far right and wannabe fascists.” He looks exactly like you would expect him to.  

“When news outlets that are supposedly protectors of the first amendment [sic] try to curry favor with the far right and wannabe fascists, you should take a hard look at whether that organization is serving the public.” 

Claiming you will provide sexually explicit books to high schoolers is probably one good way to lose your job, but we’re just spitballing here. 

Last week, Schott posted a list of books that were removed from the Utah public school system, including such stellar and “normal” titles such as “Blankets” by Craig Thompson and “Milk and Honey” by Rupi Kaur. Schott would have none of that because as with most leftists, it’s important to have every manner of perverted titles available for young skulls of mush to read. 

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