Rantz: Radical WA trans youth law legalized state-sanctioned kidnapping

Pride by Cecilie Johnsen is licensed under unsplash.com

Democrats have effectively legalized state-sanctioned kidnapping while pretending to save children from abusive families. With one single trans youth law, Democrats usurped parental rights, and they intend to break up families that don’t parent the way they would. This is the most dangerous and extremist bill that Democrats have ever passed.

SB 5599, sponsored by far-left state senator Marko Liias (D-Everett), permits shelters and host homes to provide housing for runaway minors. Though the current law requires parental notification of the whereabouts of runaway children, this would consider merely seeking so-called “gender-affirming care” a “compelling reason” not to notify parents of the child’s whereabouts. Under the state’s care, the child can undergo surgical interventions, like mastectomy and facial feminization, without parental consent. It just passed the House in a party-line vote and now it heads back to the Senate, where it’s expected to pass.

Democrats hope you think they’re saving trans kids from abusive parents, so you’ll label them heroes. But they’re all villains here.
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