Rantz: Manka Dhingra as WA attorney general would be destructive

Manka Dhingra by Governor Jay Inslee is licensed under Creative Commons

State Senator Manka Dhingra (D-Redmond) has proven herself to be an incredibly destructive force. But if she becomes the next Washington attorney general, we will deserve all the chaos and lawlessness she will inevitably create. We will be to blame.

Dhingra is an anti-police activist most responsible for the state’s ban on nearly all police pursuits. It led to a surge in crime like smash-and-grab robberies and car theft. But don’t tell her that. Dhingra pretends there’s no data supporting the claim that her policy has helped lead to the crime crisis. It’s a somewhat ironic position for her to take: the only data on her side, which she framed as showing her law made the state safer, has been debunked as verifiably false. It was so egregious a liberal member of her own party called it out. That didn’t stop Dhingra from peddling the misinformation.

The state cannot afford an ideologue like Dhingra to be the state’s top legal representative as attorney general. She’ll run the office through the same far-left lens she currently legislates.
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