King County’s $11.8 billion homeless budget proposal

The King County Regional Homeless Authority (KCRHA) estimates that it would take roughly $11.8 billion to address homelessness.

The five year plan requires $8.4 billion in new, one-time capital costs and between $1.7 billion and $3.4 billion in additional annual operating costs.

“For the authority to truly be successful in actualizing the promise embedded in its architecture, KCRHA must continue to unify the region so that our work truly represents the will and financial investment of all 39 cities and King County, effectively coordinated for maximum collective impact, focused on ending homelessness,” the KCRHA’s plan said. “As we work together on achieving these goals, we are driving towards a hopeful, inclusive future where every person has a safe and stable place to live. There is much to do. Let’s get started.”

Over 13,000 people experienced homelessness in King County last year, according to the Point in Time Count. That makes the KCHRA cost $882,705 per homeless individual in King County.

The KCRHA invites the public to look over the plan and leave comments via their survey, which will be open until Feb. 8. ◆

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