Greater Idaho

brown horse on open fields near mountain by Vidar Nordli-Mathisen is licensed under
On Tuesday, voters in Crook County passed measure 7-86, which asked voters if they support negotiations to move the Oregon/Idaho border to include Crook County in Idaho.  The measure is passing with 53% of the vote (, and makes Crook County the 13th county in eastern Oregon to pass a Greater Idaho measure.  Calls for action from leaders of the movement were swift, with Executive Director Matt McCaw issuing the following statement:

"The voters of eastern Oregon have spoken loudly and clearly about their desire to see border talks move forward.  With this latest result in Crook County, there's no excuse left for the Legislature and Governor to continue to ignore the people's wishes.  We call on the Governor, Speaker of the House, and Senate President to sit down with us and discuss next steps towards changing governance for eastern Oregonians, as well as for the legislature to begin holding hearings on what a potential border change will look like."

President of the movement, Mike McCarter agreed. "For the last three years we've been going directly to voters and asking them what they want for their state government.  What they're telling us through these votes is that they want their leaders to move the border.  In our system, the people are the ones in charge, and it's time for the leaders representing them to follow through," he said.
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