TX doctor faces decade in jail after exposing children's hospital

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The U.S. Department of Justice has unsealed the four-count indictment against a doctor who potentially faces 10 years in prison after blowing the whistle on the largest pediatric hospital in the U.S. for allegedly prescribing puberty blockers to minors despite claiming otherwise.

Dr. Eithan Haim, 34, a surgeon at Texas Children’s Hospital (TCH) in Houston, was slapped with four felony counts earlier this month after he "obtained personal information including patient names, treatment codes and the attending physician from Texas Children’s Hospital’s (TCH) electronic system without authorization," according to a DOJ press release.

Haim reportedly leaked such records to journalist Christopher Rufo last year because they exposed the "gender-affirming services" allegedly still being performed on minors at the hospital at the time, even though the hospital told the public it had paused such procedures.

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