Chicago PD officer sues city for refusing to allow him to change his 'assigned ' race

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According to the New York Post, Chicago Police Officer Mohammad Yusuf, 43, is suing the city for refusing to allow him to change his race from caucasian after the city announced police officers were, however, allowed to change their gender to match their chosen identity. 

In his lawsuit, Yusuf claims that he wants to change his race on official records from “caucasian” to Egyptian and African American, which he now claims to identify as. After the Chicago Police Department (CPD) and the city of Chicago refused to allow the change, he filed suit. 

The department, Yusuf wrote in his suit that the department allows an officer’s “gender identity [to be] corrected to match their lived experience.” 

Yusuf claims the decision is negatively impacting his career advancement. 

Fox News, meanwhile, reached out to the CPD for a statement, however, they responded that they “do not comment on pending litigation.” 

In his lawsuit, the 20-year veteran of the department alleges he has been overlooked for promotions due to his “caucasian” race. In contrast, such promotions have been routinely given to minority applicants, with only very few going to caucasian applicants. 

Yusuf’s suit alleged that the department’s promotional system “particularly” benefits “minority candidates” no matter how they scored on promotional tests. 

Yusuf cited an example where he said that he “scored in the first promotional tier” on a 2019 sergeant’s examination but was not promoted then and still has not received such a promotion. Yusuf cited “over 75 Merit Promotions to sergeant,” with “less than five” going to candidates who are white. 

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