AZ REP Cory McGarr Calls on Arizona US House Representatives to Oppose Kevin McCarthy for Speaker

Cory McGarr by Gage Skidmore is licensed under Creative Commons

An Arizona state representative has sounded the alarm on Rep. Kevin McCarthy’s Speaker of the House bid.

Arizona State Rep. elect Cory McGarr released a press statement Thursday which called on Arizona Republicans to vote against Rep. McCarthy’s speakership bid.

“The next Speaker of the House needs to be somebody who conservatives can trust and must be openly committed to ending two of Nancy Pelosi’s corrupt rules of the House,” State House-elect McGarr said.

“The next Speaker must bring back the motion to vacate the chair of the Speaker. This gives power back to the official elected to adequately represent their constituency and call into question an illegitimate ‘leader’ in the House of Representatives,” McGarr continued, referencing McCarthy’s unwillingness to remove Pelosi’s rule changes which give the House Speaker the ability to hold unchecked power.

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