I racked my brain trying to understand how a radical ideologue like Brandon Johnson (D) could possibly get elected in the city of Chicago in 2023; especially after 3 ½ years of abhorrent leadership with Lori Lightfoot (D), and an overall crime rate increase of 97% during her tenure. One would think that a change in direction was a foregone conclusion.
As a legislator, I always try to view things, especially societal issues through an objective lens. Personally, I don’t believe any political party or group has superior insight into the tribulations of mankind. If we were to take a poll regarding the state of America, I’m quite sure we would have a myriad of differing viewpoints. As Winston Churchill stated, “Where you stand depends on where you sit.” He is essentially saying, your view of a situation is shaped by your personal relationship to it.
Fast forward to the April 2023 special election results in Chicago, and it appears that Chicagoans did the unthinkable, they elected the most radical progressive on the ticket, Brandon Johnson (D). Mayor Elect Johnson ran on a platform of defunding the police, weaponizing school boards against parents and raising taxes on the middle class.
Sadly, Johnson is simply the latest and greatest democracy failures in America. He and others like him continue to run on ultra-radical platforms that destroy communities; and many voters go along with the destructive crusade; despite it being detrimental to their community.
At this point, we cannot simply blame radical progressive elected leaders for all the failures throughout these municipalities, we know exactly how they came to power. Much of the culpability lies with the ignorant voter in these cities. These folks have been brainwashed to place identity politics over their own wellbeing.
Woke policies and illogical catchphrases like social justice and restorative justice permeate the air in these communities like an acid rain cloud over Shanghai. Every bit of the mayhem is policy driven in cities led by progressive elected leaders and appointees. They have fundamentally declared war on peaceful America.
Regrettably, the opportunity existed to give Chicago a reboot, but that moment has come and gone. It, along with every other progressive democrat run city will continue to descend into violent and immoral chaos. Retail businesses continue to permanently close as crime has suffocated the life out of them. Chicago’s once infamous magnificent mile shopping district is a mere shell of its former self. Tax revenue in that area has plummeted 23% in the last two years alone, as retail vacancies continue to climb.
A recent panel of retail experts submitted proposals to Chicago’s elected leadership to try and stop the bleeding. Their recommendations included a bigger police presence, more security cameras, and the launching of a media campaign to remind shoppers it is safe in Chicago. This undoubtedly shows how disconnected this community and its leadership truly is.
Apparently defunding the police and releasing criminals back out onto the streets to reoffend did not have the kumbaya effect they hoped it would. This is the progressive’s restorative justice drivel in a nutshell. These malcontents use innocent civilians as a form of reparations or demonic sacrifice for the woke gods.
This cultish woke ideology template is replicating itself in every Democrat led city. Seattle, Philadelphia, Los Angeles, New York, San Francisco, and too many others to list, including our nation’s capital are on the verge of ruin, yet the people seem content to keep electing the radically inept.
Every one of those cities were once thriving metropolises built on the backs of hard-working Americans. Unfortunately, these cities are now hopeless burned-out shells of the past, where the criminal element has taken over control of the streets and despair encompasses the innocent.
Regardless of your political beliefs, the misery being peddled in these cities is analogous to malignant cancer. Unless there is swift intervention, it will consume the entire body. Cities and towns that border these warzones should heed this warning and understand, they are potentially one election away from the same hellish circumstances. So, pay attention.
- God bless you always, Vincent Cavaleri