Why Obamacare Is on the Road to Repeal

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This week, the House of Representatives will clear a bill to repeal the Affordable Care Act (Obamacare) and send it to President Barack Obama’s desk.

Although it faces certain veto, it’s becoming increasingly clear that the president is only buying time for a dying law. Obamacare is in bad shape—both economically and ethically. If it were possible for a law to repeal itself, this one would be well on the way.

It’s becoming increasingly clear that the president is only buying time for a dying law

Simply put, three years into its implementation, the internal contradictions and weaknesses of Obamacare are multiplying.

First, more than half of the health insurance co-ops established under the bill went belly-up just as the open season began on the Obamacare insurance exchanges. Millions of dollars in federal loan guarantees went down the drain. In late October, the Kentucky Health Cooperative was, as its website decorously says, placed “into rehabilitation.” Several days later, the people of Kentucky elected a new governor who is opposed to Obamacare.
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