Why Christians Should Strongly Support Muslim Freedom to Build Mosques

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So Muslims in your community want to build a mosque. You're set to speak at the zoning hearing. What do you say?

On the fifteenth anniversary of the 9/11 attacks, an arsonist set fire to the Islamic Center of Fort Pierce in Florida. The Islamic Center was the mosque attended by Omar Mateen, who massacred 50 people at the Pulse night club in Orlando three months ago.

One state over, in Georgia, officials in Newton County, which has a "places of worship" exception to zoning regulations designed to "make things easy for anyone who wanted to build a church," cancelled a meeting in which they expected to approve the building of a mosque.

The reason for the cancellation was that a "self-described militia group from a nearby county posted a video on Facebook threatening to demonstrate outside the meeting with guns drawn."

Now, no one remotely acquainted with BreakPoint or the Colson Center can reasonably accuse us of being indifferent to the threat posed by militant Islamists. We've talked here about it often, including the persecution of Christians around the world, the global struggle with Islamic terrorism, and the worldview of those seeking to kill so many.
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