White students barred from Iowa State University ‘womxn of colour’ retreat

Iowa State University by Jacob Rice is licensed under unsplash.com

Female minorities at Iowa State University will have an opportunity this April to learn from one another and create new friendships away from their white peers.

The “Womxn of Colour” retreat “is a one-day event open to all women of color students on campus,” according to the Iowa State Daily, the student newspaper.

The event has the support of the university. “This retreat is very special to our executive board because usually it is planned by an entire faculty team,” Bria Felix, president of the Womxn of Colour Network, told the Iowa State Daily. Students this year will help plan it, but faculty involvement in the past years shows how the university is behind the event.

Furthermore, the retreat “is a signature program supported by the Margaret Sloss Center for Women and Gender Equity in partnership with the Office for Multicultural Student Affairs, the Womxn of Colour Network student organization, as well as other campus advocates, student groups, and departments,” according to a university website.

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