Washington's homeschooling boom is here to stay

Among Washington families who took up homeschooling during the pandemic nearly half are sticking with it, according to state data.

Why it matters: While some families say homeschooling is a lifeline for kids who struggled in public schools, it's contributed to enrollment drops, budget shortfalls and potential cuts in many districts, David S. Knight, an assistant professor of education finance and policy at the University of Washington, told Axios.

What they're saying: Parents who continue to homeschool say they've seen their children's happiness increase and their anxiety, depression and self-harming behaviors decrease, according to Jen Garrison Stuber, advocacy chair for the Washington Homeschool Organization.

  • The increase has been especially notable among Black families and families of color, who cite the desire to avoid bullying, racism, violence and the school-to-prison pipeline as chief reasons for their continued commitment, Stuber told Axios.
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