Washington State Trooper killed by illegal immigrant with criminal history, according to ICE; detainer FINALLY placed

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Washington State Patrol (WSP) Trooper Christopher Gadd, 27 years old, was killed over the weekend when he was struck and killed by a driver who was allegedly both drunk and high at the time, according to police reports.

It’s been further revealed that the suspect, Raul Benitez Santana, who had been living in Lynwood at the time, was in the country illegally.

Further, Santana had four previous run-ins with police prior to the murder of Trooper Gadd, according to an Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) spokesperson. Charges against Santana include possession of marijuana, driving on a suspended license, failing to appear, and domestic violence assault.

Now, he’s facing vehicular homicide charges in connection with the death of Trooper Gadd.

It’s not clear at this time exactly when Santana entered the US. He is a Mexican national.
Early on Saturday morning, around 3:00 a.m., Trooper Gadd’s patrol vehicle was struck from behind by an SUV on Interstate 5. The patrol vehicle was parked on the shoulder at the time of the collision. The SUV was allegedly being driven by Santana, who reportedly displayed bloodshot eyes and admitted to both smoking marijuana and drinking two beers prior to driving.
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