Washington Post belatedly admits media deserves ‘reckoning’ for mishandling Hunter Biden story

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The Washington Post Editorial Board admitted on Sunday the long-denied story about Hunter Biden's laptop is an "opportunity for reckoning" in the media, but the paper still defended President Joe Biden and justified its "reluctance" on the story.

The editorial, titled "The Hunter Biden story is an opportunity for a reckoning," focused on what the media could learn from the story. The Hunter Biden laptop was only confirmed by the WaPo and The New York Times recently, after the story was first published shortly before the 2020 election by The New York Post and subsequently suppressed by social media and other news outlets.

The Post editorial board stressed President Biden's innocence several times in the opinion piece.

"The idea that these latest revelations definitively vindicate or villainize any party except Mr. Biden himself, however, is misplaced," the board wrote.
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