WaPo Columnist Defends Lia Thomas: Sports Aren’t About Fair Competition but ‘Exploring Who You Are’

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  • Source: Breitbart
  • 03/18/2022
#pride by Jordan McDonald is licensed under unsplash.com
Transgender male intrusion into women’s swimming is all OK because people should recognize that sports are about personal liberation, not fair rules competition, according to Sally Jenkins, a writer at Jeff Bezos’s Washington Post. 

“One of the things that makes NCAA sport so captivating is the vast assortment of characters emerging from their chrysalis [like a transformed butterfly] into the broader world,” Jenkins wrote March 17.

“Hate to tell you, but in a way, everyone is trans,” Jenkins wrote.

On March 17, Lia Thomas, the trans male butterfly, emerged from his chrysalis to shove three non-trans women down the podium at the awards ceremony for the NCAA’s 2022 500-yard freestyle competition. “The race was close until the final 100 yards …. [and] Thomas was stronger at the end,” NBC reported.
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