Ned Brady Hansen, 54, was Tremonton's fire chief. He was accused of child sexual exploitation and was subsequently let go.
Court documents state he communicated with Kevin Christensen, 64, a First District Justice Court Judge, who is also facing charges for multiple child sex crimes.
Christensen was immediately placed on administrative leave pending an investigation.
The men were allegedly using the internet-based chatting app KIK to communicate about sexually abusing, sexually exploiting, and enticing children, including children related to them.
According to charging documents, Hansen and Christensen discussed having met "in real life to engage in sexual acts" with each other.
It was also noted that law enforcement requested Hansen be held without bail due to the risk he posed to children, but Christensen, his judge, released him from custody on bail.
"Christensen did not disclose that he had engaged in sexually charged chats regarding children with [Hansen]," charging documents state. "Law enforcement believes this fact materially affected the decision-making of Christensen at the time he released Hansen."