TX Senator Cruz and Rep Chip Roy Blast Weaponized DOJ for Whistleblower Persecution

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U.S. Sen. Ted Cruz and U.S. Rep. Chip Roy are accusing the Department of Justice of weaponizing the government against a whistleblower who exposed secret transgender procedures at Texas Children’s Hospital last year.

Dr. Eithan Haim was indicted by the DOJ this month on four felony counts related to alleged HIPAA violations, charges which could potentially lead to 10 years in prison, as reported by The Dallas Express. Haim leaked documents last year proving that Texas Children’s Hospital continued its transgender program after it promised to end it over legal concerns. The documents, published by City Journal, redacted individual patient information.

Sen. Cruz (R-TX) wrote a letter Wednesday to the U.S. Attorney’s Office for the Southern District of Texas, which is in charge of Haim’s prosecution. The senator described the investigation as a “weaponization” of the office.

“As you should know, the basis upon which this investigation was launched and the manner in which it has since been conducted invite serious questions about selective prosecution and the weaponization of the Department of Justice against political opponents,” he wrote.

Rep. Roy (R-TX) sent a letter Thursday to Attorney General Merrick Garland expressing similar concerns.

“The circumstances of the Department’s actions toward Dr. Haim raise concerns that it is misusing its law-enforcement authority to advance left-wing policy goals,” he wrote. “This prosecution is just the latest example of how the Biden-Garland Justice Department is using the law to target ideological adversaries instead of equally enforcing the law.”

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