Two Former CIA Directors Admit: ‘Thank God For Deep State’ Involvement Pushing Impeachment

Former CIA Directors John Brennan and former acting CIA Director John McLaughlin were being questioned on a panel by Face the Nation’s Margaret Brennan. The panel was at George Mason University and also had former Deputy FBI Director Andrew McCabe in attendance.

Margaret Brennan asked about the concern that many have, including President Donald Trump, that there is an effort to take him out including by some in the intelligence community, which some have termed the “deep state.” She noted the fact that the ‘impeachment’ proceedings started with a CIA person, the Ukraine whistleblower, with connections to both Brennan and Joe Biden, feeds into this sense.

From Fox News:

“There is something unique you have to agree that now that the impeachment inquiry is underway, sparked by a complaint from someone within the intelligence community, it feeds the president’s concern, an often-used term about a ‘deep state’ being there to take him out,” she said.

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