Tuned Out: Netflix Shares Plunge As Subscribers Flee; Elon Musk blames ‘Woke Mind Virus’

Dark Netflix by Thibault Penin is licensed under unsplash.com
Elon Musk pinned a drop in Netflix’s share prices on the “woke mind virus” — which makes the streaming service “unwatchable” — on Tuesday night.

Netflix reported on Tuesday that it lost 200,000 subscribers in the first quarter of 2022 while bracing for 2 million lost subscribers in the second quarter. Shares of the company dropped more than 20% in after-hours trading. 

Replying to a Slashdot report about Netflix’s woes posted to Twitter, Musk commented that “the woke mind virus is making Netflix unwatchable.” When machine learning engineer Pranay Pathole in turn argued that the “woke mind virus is the biggest threat to the civilization,” Musk replied with a simple “yes.”
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