Three-Year-Old Girl Dies of a Heart Attack One Day After Receiving COVID-19 Jab

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Three-year-old Ámbar Suárez died one day after getting the COVID-19 jab, and her mother is blaming her country’s vaccine mandates.

Miryam Suárez, Ámbar’s mother, believes that the vaccine mandates in her native Argentina, which required her daughter to get the jab in order to attend kindergarten, are solely responsible for her daughter’s tragic and untimely death. This is more innocent blood on the hands of the psychopathic technocrats behind the COVID vaccine regime.

“I pre-enrolled her in school so that next year she would enter kindergarten, because now they force you when it comes to the vaccine,” Suárez said. “She was healthy. She was fine. She was not ill and didn’t have COVID.” 

She took her daughter to get the Chinese Sinopharm vaccine on Dec. 16. Ámbar was dead one day later. 
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