Thousands of Christians to gather on National Mall for 'Together 2016'

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When Nick Hall first began planning “Together 2016” several years ago, he didn’t expect it would ultimately be held during a contentious political season and in the midst of several recent acts of violence across the world.

But in some ways, the event — a large gathering of Christians planned for Saturday in Washington, D.C., that will feature music and speakers —  is coming at the perfect time, Hall said.

“I think our world really needs healing,” said Hall, the lead organizer of the gathering. “Moments of historic change are often marked by historic gatherings, so we really believe this a moment where our world can change.”

Thousands of Christians will flock to the National Mall for the event, which Hall said is being targeted toward Millennials. Everyone is invited, though, and Hall said he’s met people this week from states including Florida and California as well as from Africa, Europe and Asia.

The purpose, Hall said, is to give people an opportunity to “reset,” or get a second chance.
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