The Courageous Entrepreneur

Being an entrepreneur is not for the faint of heart. It takes a spirit of tenacity and strong faith to withstand failure and rejection. 
As an entrepreneur I have had to be comfortable with being uncomfortable. 
If you haven’t fallen or failed at least once on your journey as an entrepreneur you aren’t doing it right.
Here’s what I have learned; it’s not about the fall…it’s about recovery. It’s about getting up and facing obstacles head on. Bouncing back and moving forward.
Instead of running from your past, having the vision to fearlessly run toward a better future. 
Vision takes courage. What is courage exactly? The dictionary defines it as the ability to do something that frightens you. Strength in the face of pain or grief.
What about strength in the face of adversity or failure? It takes courage to step out of faith and create  new dream know doubt.
But I have found it takes more courage to face your future when your dreams have been shattered, then rise from the ashes and deal with the obstacles that stand in your way of rebuilding your life.
Starting from scratch and having nowhere to turn is scary, but it is also a clean slate and a challenge . Can I do it again? Do I still have what it takes to recreate and rebuild?
If you think outside the box it doesn’t have to look anything like the past.
That is the great thing about living. God gives us the ability to create. Your future can truly be anything you want it to be, you must be willing though to put yourself out there and recognize fear for what is. Something made up in your mind that is meant to hinder you. It’s the perfect plan of the devil. If he can cripple you with fear and that will stifle your dreams then he has you right where he wants you. You believe the lie that you aren’t talented enough or good enough or it’s not the right time. Time goes by and you are still stuck in that stagnant box.
Maybe that’s the reason "Do Not Fear" is in the Bible 365 times. One for each day to remind us He is with us. Don’t be afraid. He calls us to Him and reassures us.
With man it’s impossible but with God All Things are Possible. Step out on faith.
What if you fall? Well, what if you fly?

Gigi's Friendship Tea

1 quart Tang, 1 quart lemonade made from a mix, 1 cup Lipton intant tea powder, 1/2 cup sugar, 1 tablespoon ground cinnamon, 2 teaspoons ground allspice, 2 teaspoon ground cloves, 1 teaspoon ground ginger, 1/4 cup Red Hot candies

  • In a large bowl, mix together the Tang, lemondde, instant teaa, and sugar.
  • Add the pices adn Red Hot candies
  • Store in jars.
  • To serve, add 2 1/2 teasponns tea mix to a cup of hot water and stir

"You can always buy a gift at the store, but a homemade gift is something speical. During Christmas I usually make a huge batch of this delicious tea mix to give as gifts. You can also add about 1/4 cup of thsi mix to 3 cups water and simmer in a pan on the stove to make your home smell of spice, love and goodness!"

recipe courtesy of "The Secret Ingredient" by Gigi Butler Copyright 2018 Simon & Shuster, Inc. 

Editorial comments expressed in this column are the sole opinion of the writer.
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