The chaos and insanity of our southern border and the imminent terror attack(s)

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The southern part of the United States that extends from Texas, New Mexico, Arizona and California has been inappropriately defined as a “border.” Webster’s New World Dictionary description is as follows: “A dividing line between two countries, states, etc. (It is) the limiting line itself for two parties.”

In other words, the U.S. border with Mexico is anything but an actual border. It is a launching pad for the invasion of illegal aliens from Mexico and points south. Ironically, unlike Mexico that has stringent penalties that include long-term prison time, the U.S. side through politics, corporate greed and other factors is a porous joke.

But to suggest the United States retake its own sovereignty back is considered by liberals as bigotry, racism, Islamofauxbia and any other hateful word they can dream up. Thus an example how dangerous our southern border has become to U.S. citizens and our national security.

The headline on CBS News May 8th was, “Border Patrol agents arrest Pakistani man.” So what’s the big deal? Just some lone person sneaking across the border like thousands and thousands do every single year. The Pakistani was apprehended as he illegally crossed the Texas-Mexico border.

The full story is Javaid Muhammad, who admitted crossing the border illegally, was arrested by the U.S. Border Patrol according to the federal criminal complaint against him. The charge against Muhammad was filed in the McAllen Division of the Southern District of Texas.
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