Texas judge blocks AG’s subpoena of migrant nonprofit

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A state judge on Monday blocked Attorney General Ken Paxton’s attempts to investigate an El Paso migrant shelter and questioned the state's intentions behind demanding documents from the non-governmental organization.

In an order essentially blocking Paxton’s subpoena of Annunciation House, state district court Judge Francisco Dominguez suggested the attorney general may want to shut down the network of migrant shelters for political reasons. That’s something the judge told Ryan Baasch, an assistant attorney general, during a court hearing last week.

“The Attorney General’s efforts to run roughshod over Annunciation House, without regard to due process or fair play, call into question the true motivation for the Attorney General’s attempt to prevent Annunciation House from providing the humanitarian and social services that it provides,” Dominguez wrote in Monday’s order. “There is a real and credible concern that the attempt to prevent Annunciation House from conducting business in Texas was predetermined.”

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