Teacher Fired for Refusing to Use Preferred Pronouns, Files Lawsuit

Pronouns matter by Alexander Grey is licensed under unsplash.com

Ohio middle school English teacher Vivian Geraghty lost her job in August when she refused to call two students by new names and preferred personal pronouns. 

Geraghty was informed in August that two of her students were beginning to “socially transition” to another gender. A school counselor emailed Geraghty and several other teachers with instructions to call the students by new names and pronouns, according to a press release issued by Alliance Defending Freedom, a Christian legal organization that represents Geraghty . 

The teacher in Ohio’s Jackson Local School District met with her principal and explained that her religious beliefs would not allow her to call the students by pronouns that didn’t reflect their biology. 

The principal told Geraghty that she would have to put those beliefs aside and participate in her students’ social transitions. School district officials told Geraghty that “if she would not participate in the students’ social transitions, she must resign immediately,” according to Alliance Defending Freedom. 

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