Support For Banning Semi-Automatic Long Guns Hits All-Time Low: Left-Of-Center Poll by Bexar Arms is licensed under
A new left-of-center poll released this week found that support for a so-called “assault weapons ban” has hit an all-time low as Democrat politicians try to capitalize on the recent tragedy in Uvalde, Texas.

The move to strip Americans of their Second Amendment rights is being spearheaded by Democrat President Joe Biden, who called for banning semi-automatic long guns during a speech last week.

While other Democrat politicians have tempered what they are seeking to get done this time, actor Matthew McConaughey, who also previously called for banning those same firearms, admitted during an interview on Fox News this week that Democrats still want “the whole loaf” when it comes to restricting Second Amendment rights but that they are willing to just “take a slice” this time.

Quinnipiac University found in its most recent poll that support for banning semi-automatic long guns was at an all-time low and that Americans do not support limiting the number of guns that someone can own and Americans do
not expect Congress to do anything on gun control.
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