Study: ‘Seattle quite unsafe for its residents,’ Tacoma even lower

Seattle on a cloudless day. by bill wegener is licensed under

In a study by WalletHub, a personal finance site, Seattle and Tacoma both rank near the bottom of their “Safest Cities in America” list.

“Seattle is the 158th safest city in America. The city ranks 163rd for thefts and hate crimes per capita, landing as low as 160th for home and community safety,” WalletHub senior analyst Jill Gonzalez told MyNorthwest. “Seattle has been on a downward slope since 2020 when it ranked 116th. In 2021, it went down to 133rd and then to 148th in 2022.”

Tacoma was ranked even lower than Seattle, sitting at No. 161.

The study examined threats to safety from public health crises and natural disasters to mass shootings and traffic accidents.

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