Stop funding domestic tyrants

President Joe Biden by The White House is licensed under U.S. Government Works
In his first-ever telegraph message in the late spring of 1844, Samuel Morse echoed the scriptures to proclaim in awe, “What hath God wrought!” Now, some 178 years later, millions of Americans are proclaiming with equal parts of awe and trepidation, “What hath Joe Biden unwrought!”

At home and abroad, Biden, in just over one year, has become nothing short of a one-man wrecking ball – rapidly reversing years, and even decades, of progress and leaving devastation in his wake.

Where inflation was once little more than an afterthought, he has forced it front and center, sending it soaring to record levels and forcing families to do without, or live in dire straits. 

Where America once enjoyed energy independence, he has  – with a single stroke of his pernicious pen – devastated the oil industry and sent us scurrying to avowed enemies to beg them to sell to us what we once sold to them.
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