Starbucks Demands Federal Labor Board to Suspend Union Elections, Alleging Widespread Mail-in Ballot Fraud

Starbucks by Jiawei Zhao is licensed under
The corporate coffee colossus Starbucks is demanding for the federal labor board to suspend their union elections, alleging a conspiracy of widespread mail-in ballot fraud.

Starbucks petitioned the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) to suspend elections on Monday, claiming that labor board officials acted wrongly in a Kansas City-area union election and likely committed the same improprieties in other local union elections. They cited whistleblower testimony to bolster their claims.

Thus far, over 220 Starbucks locations have voted to unionize, according to statistics from the NRLB, with 34 more of them on the way and seven additional stores ready to have elections. With unionization, corruption and disgrace have unsurprisingly arrived.

Starbucks have become surprising advocates of election integrity measures. They are demanding for mail-in elections to be halted with only in-person elections allowed in the future to stop fraud. Perhaps Starbucks should get on the horn with Mike Lindell to share the best practices on pushing back against electoral corruption, eh?
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