Soros-funded nonprofit indoctrinates CEOs on defending globalist policies from public pushback

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An astonishing document underwritten by progressive billionaire George Soros details why global companies must dedicate themselves to social activism and how to avoid losing customers as they do so.

The report titled “Human Rights Policy Engagement – The Role of Companies” was published in June by BSR (Business for Social Responsibility). “We are global in mindset, staffing, and activities,” the group proudly proclaims on its website. The bought-and-paid-for Soros entity bills itself as “a global nonprofit organization that works with its network of more than 250 member companies and other partners to build a just and sustainable world.”

In an acknowledgment section at the top of the document, BSR salutes the man who made the report possible: Soros and his Open Society Foundations network.

“The authors wish to thank our corporate members who were engaged in the Business Action Platform for Human Rights who generously gave their time to provide insights for this report,” the acknowledgment reads. “We would also like to thank the Open Societies Foundations for the grant under which this report was written.”
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