'So Great!': President Trump Celebrates the Rise of Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán as Superstar of the U.S. Right

President Donald Trump recently sent a signed newspaper article to Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán celebrating the popular European nationalist leader as “an improbable hero for the American right.”

Secretary of State for Public Diplomacy and Relations of Hungary Zoltán Kovács posted the signed newspaper in a Twitter post:
Orbán has gained a well-deserved following among American conservatives after Fox News host Tucker Carlson traveled to Hungary to interview the man and shine a light on his successful policies in repelling the far-left threat and putting his country first.

“It’s a real challenge for the liberal thinkers that what is going on in Central Europe […] is building up a society which is very successful economically, politically, culturally. Even in demography we have some success, family policy,” Orbán said while sitting down with Carlson last year. “But the fundamentals of this success are totally different than it is viewed and run and created by many other Western countries.”
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