Snohomish County combats fentanyl crisis with new $1.4 million plan

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Snohomish County Executive Dave Somers is rolling out a new plan to fight back against the fentanyl crisis by setting up mobile treatment and counseling resources. Somers stated he wants to work with communities to build more drug treatment clinics countywide.

The plan’s first step — which is set to cost $1.4 million — would make naloxone more available to first responders while also creating long-term housing and healthcare solutions for those struggling with substance abuse.

“I lost my only brother in March to a fentanyl overdose. I know how powerful these drugs are and the impacts they have on loved ones and our whole community,” Executive Somers said in a prepared statement. “Current policy debates on public safety, addiction, and homelessness all too often seem to forget that real people are involved. In Snohomish County, we have built the infrastructure for addressing substance use disorder, and this plan is crucial for advancing our efforts locally.

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