Small Business Owner Says Obamacare Causing Higher Expenses, Less Hiring

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An entrepreneur told lawmakers on Wednesday that initiatives under the Affordable Care Act, commonly known as Obamacare, are placing additional burdens on business that are leading to business closures and less hiring.

Tom Kunkel, president and CEO of the Maryland-basd business Full House Marketing and Print, testified Wednesday before the Senate committee on small business and entrepreneurship to explain how Obamacare has affected his business and employees.

Kunkel said he was initially optimistic that Obamacare would help his 25 employees obtain health insurance, since many could not previously get coverage due to pre-existing conditions.

“From a small business perspective, the ACA could have been a huge relief and benefit,” Kunkel said. “I was reimbursing employees for their premiums, because this offered me as a small business a way to compete with larger companies who provided employer-sponsored health insurance plans.”

Kunkel was notified in June 2015 by his accountant of IRS Notice 2013-54, which prevents businesses from assisting employees with their individual market health insurance.
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