Secretary of State orders purging of potential noncitizens from Alabama voter rolls

Allen has recently raised concerns about the federal policy of providing voter registration forms to noncitizens.

In an interview with ALCAP’s Greg Davis, Allen specifically singled out the National Voter Registration Act, which requires many federal agencies to provide voter registration forms to people who use their services. This requirement “includes legal non-citizens, and it also includes illegal aliens,” Allen said.

Despite Allen’s concerns about the NVRA, people registering to vote at DMVs or other government offices still must pass many of the same eligibility checks as everyone else.

Under the NVRA, each voter registration form must still “state each voter eligibility requirement (including citizenship), contain an attestation that the applicant meets each requirement, state the penalties provided by law for submission of a false voter registration application and require the signature of the applicant under penalty of perjury” [emphasis added].

Even after an application is filled out, under Alabama law, “no person shall be registered until a majority of the board of registrars has passed favorably upon the person’s qualifications,” which includes citizenship.

And while Allen disapproves of non-citizens potentially being offered voter registration forms, nothing prevents non-citizens from accessing the online voter registration form or downloadable PDF that Allen’s office maintain.

Allen also said that Biden’s decision to help the non-citizen spouses and children of American citizens apply for permanent residency is proof of a presidential plot to corrupt the November election.

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