Second Amendment Victories Continue to Pile Up

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The restoration of Second Amendment-protected rights in the states is happening so quickly that it’s hard to keep up. On Friday, the Georgia legislature sent a bill to Governor Nathan Deal that would allow concealed handguns on public college campuses, with some exceptions built in to appease Deal, who vetoed a similar but stronger measure last year. Jerry Henry, executive director of, a pro-gun rights group, was realistic: “It’s not the bill that we wanted but it’s the bill we got. It gives [us] a foot in the door.” If Deal signs the bill, Georgia would become the 11th state with this kind of campus-carry law.

Georgia legislators also sent to Deal’s desk a bill that improved a number of the state’s existing gun laws, including giving individuals moving to the state from “reciprocal” carry agreement states a 90-day “grace” period to obtain a Georgia Weapons License (GWL) while continuing to carry legally using their previous state’s license. That bill also explicitly prohibits any probate judge from “suspending, extending, delaying, or avoiding” the process of approving a GWL application made by a citizen of the state.
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