Seattle students targeted in string of armed robberies near Ballard schools

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  • Source: KOMO
  • 10/21/2023
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Students are being mugged at gunpoint in the neighborhoods near two school campuses in Ballard, according to Seattle police, and warnings are going out to families to be on high alert.

The armed robberies have been committed around both Ballard High School and Whitman Middle School, and students said they started about six weeks ago. Cell phones, wallets and other valuables are taken, and some students have also been physically assaulted.

“I know they've jumped a few people,” said Cove Brammer, a sophomore at Ballard High. “It's a little scary because I walk home alone and I have my phone and my wallet."

Victims have reported seeing a firearm and the suspects have driven various cars, including a red Kia, a gray Hyundai and a red/silver sedan. Anywhere from four to six thieves are involved in the holdups, and the thieves typically wear ski masks or hoodies to conceal their identities.

Henry Howisey had just gotten out of class and walked to his car to drive to practice with his crew team when his phone rang.

“I was waiting on my friends to get in the car, and I get a call from my buddy saying, 'We just got mugged around the corner from you,'" Howisey said.

Howisey said he raced over to where his friend and another classmate were, ready to jump in to help.

“I run up to him, and they're fine. They just got things stolen. Usually, they get beat up pretty good, but they got lucky, and they didn't get hurt,” the high school senior said.

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