Saudi Arabia says it 'won’t bear any responsibility' for a shortage of oil supplies

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  • Source: Fox News
  • 03/21/2022
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Saudi Arabia said on Monday that it "won’t bear any responsibility" for a shortage in global oil supplies after a fierce barrage of attacks by Yemen’s Houthi rebels affected production in the kingdom, the world’s largest oil exporter.

The unusually stark warning marked a departure from the giant oil producer’s typically cautious statements, as Saudi officials remain aware that even their smallest comments can swing the price of oil and rattle global markets.

The statement comes as the kingdom remains lockstep with OPEC and other oil-producing countries in a deal limiting increases in production and as energy prices rise higher amid Russia’s war on Ukraine. Already, Americans have had to pay record-breaking prices at the pump for gasoline.

The state-run Saudi Press Agency quoted the Foreign Ministry as saying that "the international community must assume its responsibility to maintain energy supplies" in order to "stand against the Houthis."
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