San Francisco Bill Proposes Suing Grocery Store Owners Who Close without Six-Months’ Notice

San Francisco lawmaker Dean Preston has moved to protect the city's grocery outlets. Recognizing his constituents' needs, the SF Board of Supervisors member has proposed the Grocery Protection Act based on a 1984 proposal. The board approved this age-old initiative but inevitably vetoed by then-Mayor Dianne Feinstein. But what does the Grocery Protection Act entail?

No Surprise Shutdowns - Dean Preston's Grocery Protection Act

According to Preston's proposal, relevant authorities must receive a six-month written notice before a store shuts down. The notice will be issued to the Board of Supervisors and the city's Office of Economic and Workforce Development (OEWD). Notices must be posted at all accessible grocery store points to properly inform customers and the general public. Suppose a store is unprofitable. Even then, the six-month notice for closure stands.

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