Republicans who voted for Jan. 6 panel are mostly holding strong in their reelection battles

Thus far during midterm season, just one House Republican who defied the wishes of former President Trump by voting to establish the special committee to investigate the Jan. 6 Capitol riot has lost a primary bid.

Within the House Republican caucus, 35 members voted in favor of the independent, so-called bipartisan panel that will begin presenting its findings to the public during primetime on Thursday evening. Of those 35, nine have opted to retire or otherwise not seek another term. (The committee was created by Democrats who control the chamber. Two Republican are on the committee – co-chair Wyoming Rep. Liz Cheney and Illinois Rep. Adam Kinzinger.)

Rep. David McKinely, of West Virginia has, so far, been the single casualty of the primary voting. He lost a May primary to fellow Rep. Alex Mooney, a MAGA Republican who was redrawn into a shared district. 

While primary challenges still wait a dozen of the incumbents who voted for the committee, 11 of 14 have won their primaries, and two races still do not have outcomes.
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