Republican U.S. Sen. Marsha Blackburn wins in a potential matchup with state Rep. Gloria Johnson, D-Knoxville, 53-36%, pollsters told.

The approval of Tennessee lawmakers continues to fall, Vanderbilt’s most recent poll found.

State lawmakers enjoyed a 60% approval rating in a May 2020 survey conducted by the private university’s center for democratic institutions. But that approval percentage dropped to 42%, during the most recent edition asking nearly three dozen questions to 1,005 registered voters between Nov. 14 and Dec. 2.

Vanderbilt University releases the poll on state and Nashville-specific issues twice a year, with this survey asking about issues related to guns, abortions, education and the various approval ratings of state and federal lawmakers.

Pollsters found that 76% of respondents somewhat or strongly agreed with passing a red flag law, strengthening background checks on firearm purchases and requiring guns in cars and homes to be stored securely.

But, the poll also found that the importance of gun safety has fallen as a top priority. During the most recent special legislative session to address gun violence and public safety, 35% of respondents said they paid somewhat or very close attention to it. The survey found less than 1% of Republicans see gun safety as their most important concern.

The poll also found that 47% of respondents believe abortion should remain illegal but also found that 77% supported exceptions for rape and incest.

During last year’s legislative session, lawmakers debated rape and incest exceptions for abortions but did not pass legislation codifying them.

Respondents also told pollsters that they favored Republican U.S. Sen. Marsha Blackburn in a potential matchup with state Rep. Gloria Johnson, D-Knoxville, 53-36%.

But the survey also found that Blackburn’s approval rating remained negative, with 41% approving and 46% disapproving.

Overall, 53% of the poll respondents considered themselves Republicans, 34% Democrats, and 13% neither. The survey has a 3.4% margin of error.

The full results of the poll can be read here.

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