Report: Tow-Truck Drivers Could Face Arrest For Refusing To Help Clear Canadian Freedom Convoy Trucks

Truck by michael_swan is licensed under Attribution-NoDerivs 2.0 Generic (CC BY-ND 2.0)
Tow truck drivers may face arrest for refusing to help move trucks involved with Canada’s Freedom Convoy in Ottawa and border areas after Prime Minister Justin Trudeau invoked the nation’s Emergencies Act on Monday.

“Tow-truck operators, who have been reluctant to cooperate with the police, will also now be compelled to work with law enforcement agencies to clear Ottawa’s streets and the border crossings at Coutts, Alberta. If they don’t cooperate, they could face arrest,” The New York Times reported on Tuesday.

The development comes as Trudeau doubled down against Freedom Convoy protesters on Monday, invoking emergency powers to stop those opposing his COVID-19 vaccine mandates for truck drivers.

“We’ll always defend the rights of Canadians to peaceful assembly and to freedom of expression. We’ll also do whatever is necessary to reinforce the principles, values, and institutions that keep all Canadians free – and that’s what we’re doing with the Emergencies Act,” Trudeau tweeted on Tuesday.

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